A Degree of Uncertainty

A Degree of Uncertainty
Small Works Exhibition and Fundraiser October 01, 2020 / Online Shop Launch November 06 — December 12, 2020 / Gallery Exhibition
All measurements have a degree of uncertainty regardless of precision and accuracy. BAY RIDGE, BROOKLYN — Stand4 Gallery and Community Art Center is pleased to present A Degree of Uncertainty, an invitational small works exhibition and fundraiser.
The artwork can also be viewed and purchased online at our new shop Stand4-Gallery.square.site, which went live on October 1st, 2020. In life, in art, in science — everything has a degree of uncertainty and we are living in times of unfolding unknowns. In November 2020, Stand4 Gallery will host an invitational exhibition and fundraiser that embraces the concept of uncertainty. Because the idea is broad and vague and full of, well... uncertainty, we are limiting the size of the works to no larger than 10 x 10 x 10 inches, and simply asking artists to respond to the concept. All proceeds from this Fundraising Exhibition will go to benefit the future of Stand4 Gallery and Community Art Center Exhibitions and Programming. Exhibiting artists include: Audrey Anastasi, Tatiana Arocha, John Avelluto, Jeannine Bardo, Fiona Buchanan, Tanya Chaly, Sophia Chizuco, Ellen Coleman Izzo, Jaynie Crimmins, Magdalena Dukiewicz, Magali Duzant, Lorrie Fredette, Joanie Flickinger, Isabelle Garbani, David Gitt, Kristin Reiber Harris, Anna Hoberman, Anna Lise Jensen, Murat Cem Mengüç, Anthony Randell, John Ros, Elena Soterakis, Beth Steidle, Stephanie Williams and Josh Willis. A special thank you to all the artists for helping to support the gallery and our community.
Founded in January 2017 as an artist-run initiative, Stand4’s pursuit is to be alive and working towards a better world through the arts as an active medium of engagement. Stand4 serves as a generator of meaning, action, agency, collaboration, and social justice. It is shapeless, non-conforming, and responsive to the times. Stand4 is meant to exist as a catalyst: a way to envision a more socially and environmentally just future. Housed in a former medical office in the heart of Bay Ridge, Stand4 brings the visual arts and programming to the center of the community, opening up opportunities for social, political and cultural connections and creating a discourse that bridges culture and tradition and includes new voices towards a more sustainable future inspired by local interests. Location / Stand4 Gallery and Community Art Center 414 78th Street, 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Web / website shop facebook instagram / stand4gallery.org / stand4-gallery.square.site/ / @stand4bayridge / @stand4gallery #Stand4 #SmallWorks #ADegreeofUncertainty
Hours / Saturday, 12-3 PM & by appointment. Contact / Jeannine Bardo to schedule an appointment and keep an eye on our website for updates on hours. Jeannine Bardo jbardo.stand@gmail.com (917) 842-7958